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Organizing Property and Evidencene by Joyce Riba
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The Evidence Log

The Evidenc Log Magzine CoverThe Evidence Log is a quarterly publication, free, exclusively to members of IAPE. This unique resource was established to further the education, training and professional growth of property and evidence personnel.

Articles are written by practitioners in law enforcement or related fields, and the editors of this publication strive to provide the most current information, resources and news on evidence and property room management practices.

IAPE invites contributions and articles from any property and evidence room professional. Click here to find more information to submit an article for consideration for an upcoming issue.

Read Excerpts From Recent Issues...

The Storage of Handguns
By Steve Berdrow
In my 25 plus years in law enforcement, I have seen many different ways of storing hand guns for evidence purposes. Because of their various sizes and shapes, it is difficult to find one system that works well for all.

Our primary consideration is to protect the evidentiary value of the weapon. This means protecting it from incidental damage during storage, and storing it where it can be found when needed...
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Storing Odd Shaped Items of Evidence
By Steve Berdrow
At the Burbank Police Department, our Property Section had a problem storing certain oddly shaped items, such as baseball bats, steering wheel locks, hockey sticks, bolt cutters, etceteras, ad infinitum. We would stack them up in a comer, or put them in a barrel, but trying to find a specific item was very difficult...
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Evidence Depository Lockers
By Steve Berdrow
This article will present some thoughts regarding evidence depository lockers that we developed during the design development phase of our new police building. These ideas came from numerous site visits as well as our own experience...
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Property Room Design
By Steve Berdrow
In this edition of the Design Comer we will take a look at some considerations to keep in mind when designing a Property Room, whether from scratch or a remodel.

It is recommended that the Property Section be housed in the main police station because of security and employee safety concerns. This is not to say that remote storage facilities...
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Storing Small Items of Evidence
By Steve Berdrow
The majority of items of evidence that come into a police department's property room are small, but in spite of their small size, their number gives them a tremendous impact on storage needs. There are probably as many different ways of storing them...
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Storing of Long Arms
By Steve Berdrow
No, this is not about body parts or mannequins. The storage of rifles and shotguns can be a problem if the storage space is not thoughtfully designed. The weapon must be protected from damage, readily accessible, and take up no more room than necessary.

We have seen these long arms stored on shelves, in barrels or shopping carts...
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Handling of Currency
By Steve Berdrow
Have you ever noticed that when you cash a check or make a cash withdrawal at the bank, the teller itemizes the quantity of each denomination of bill that is given? There is a very good reason for that. There is, less chance of an error when the currency is documented in that manner.

When was the last time you took in currency as evidence and the officer had counted it incorrectly?...
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The Evidence Log
or on our web site, more information can be found here.

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